Richard Wong Laboratory
at Kanazawa University
at Kanazawa University
2024/11/18 Invited talks
PhD student Goro Nishide (D3) is invited to visit National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal university , Academia Sinica, REALTEK and present his research project.
2024/10/22 Invited talks
Dr. Hazawa has been invited to give a talk in National Cheng Kung University and Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.
2024/09/30 & 2024/10/24 Invited talks
Richard gave an invited talk in Les Criques, Presqu'lle de Giens, France and Harrlem, Netherland respectively. -
2024/07/24 Result
Our invited article "Nanoimaging of SARS-CoV-2 viral invasion toward the nucleus and genome" appeared in Cell Rep Phy Sci (IF 7.9 ). -
2024/07/07 Result
Dr. Ikliptikawati (postdoc) published a review paper in IJMS . -
2024/07/01 Result
Graduate student Mr.Matsumoto (M2) published a paper in JRR . -
2024/6/01 Award
Graduate student Mr. Kondo (M1) won the 19th Best Student Presentation Award at the Hokuriku Branch Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society! Congratulations! ! -
2024/04/18 Result
Associate Prof. Dr. Hazawa, Dr. Ikliptikawati and Ms Iwashima published a nice paper about nuclear pore protein Nup153 and super enhancer BRD4 LLPS implicating transcription factor p63 gene gating around nuclear pore in Cell Chemical Biology . Our paper is selected as cover story in April issue ! -
2024/04/11 Result
Our invited article appeared in Cell Host & Microbe ( IF 30.3 ) ! -
2024/03/22 Graduation
What a wonderful day! Congratulations to Makiyama, Mochizuki, Higashiguchi and Kondo! -
2024/02/02 Result
Qiu (D1), Elma (AP) and Kondo (M1) et al. published a method paper in Cells. -
2023/10/10 Result
Collaborating with Martin Loose group and Edouard Hannezo group(ISTA) in Austria, Dr. Lim has involved a paper about bacteria tubulin filament assembly which is just published in Nature Physics . -
2023/9/26 Result
Graduate student Nishide san and Ass Prof. Dr. Lim published a nice paper about nuclear pore protein Rae1's binding partner SARS-CoV-2 ORF6 protein nanoscopic dynamics in JPCL. Congratulations ! -
2023/9/26 Award
Graduate student Elma (D3) received the President Award! Congratulations ! -
2023/8/8 Result
Dr. Ikliptikawati , Ms Makiyama and Associate Prof. Dr. Hazawa published a nice paper about nuclear pore protein Nup107 in Cell Reports. Congratulations ! DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112882 -
2023/1/16 Result
Keesiang, Goro and Elma published a paper in Nano Letters (IF 11). We filmed the dynamic interaction between anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike neutralizing antibody and spike protein using HS-AFM! Congratulations ! DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04270